Believe it or not, I've spent a lot of time practicing and learning new things whilst I was "dead". At some point I hit a breakthrough where I said "Woah! I think I've gotten a lot better!" Thus, I started to feel the music I made was worth putting up again. I'm one of those people who sits there, and listens to their own music continuously until it sounds like they can't make it better. (Sadly, this impairs my ability to enjoy my own music. |3) I'm definitely not a perfect judge of that, but it does work fairly well.
Ive learned a bunch of new tricks, and I hope to put out quite a lot of songs throughout the course of this year, including remaking some older songs.
Gosh knows we /clearly/ won't have a next year anyway. CB
i cant listen to my own music, its too crap lol. anyway good luck with more music.. if we dont all die in 2012 then you can celebrate by making moooore lol